

"You TVs are to blame for your own problems. You do nothing but cry and complain about society, how much it misunderstands you, and yet YOU DO NOTHING to enlighten society about the true nature of TVism. How do you ex- pect people to understand TV's and accept them if they dont know the truth about this form of unconventional behavior? Most people will automatically link IV with homosexuality because they don't know what TV is. And who are the ones who should teach and talk and enlighten? YOU TV's!! You are the first ones to act guilty as hell. You are so terribly ashamed of your desires that you would rather die than to be seen or exposed. And if YOU act so terribly ashamed about it, how do you expect to make a good impression on others? By your own attitude you pre- sent TVism as something shameful that must be kept hidden from the eyes of "nice people". Of course, "nice people" are thus forced to think that a TV is something akin to a criminal, a pervert or a degenerate.

You TV's don't have enough guts and that's the truth. You are sweet and lovable (I ought to know since I'm mar- ried to one of you) and yet you keep acting as if your soul were a black pit of sin. Let me give you a bit of practical advice. Be proud of your TVism and you'll be surprised at the number of people who'll accept your "hobby" without thinking about it. You might start by carelessly stating at some gathering with friends that one of your hobbies is female impersonation. Questions of course will be asked, and then you can explain it as a difficult and artistic pass-time which results in a de- lightful avenue of relaxation. You might even challenge some of your friends by saying: *You guys ought to try it sometime. It isn't easy to do a good job of it'. Keep the whole subject away from sexual connotations, bring out the fact that many women get a wonderful kick out of having their boyfriend mimicking a female. You might even remark (getting ahead of them) how ignorant people are not to know the difference between impersonation as an art and "drag". Be nonchalant, not ashamed, ACT dont complain! Mrs. Sarah T. New York
